This weekend we were all together as a family. We went out to dinner to celebrate Hannah's birthday. Thank goodness for call ahead seating. Outback steak house was packed. My child has very expensive taste. Of course she asked if I had any coupons before we left. We arrived there and I ran into one of my clients, they had been waiting for 40 minutes for a table with a 1 1/2 year old. Ugh! The hostess tell us it will be a 12 minute wait. Hubby and I look at each other and both look down at our watches. LOL! Really 12 minutes, but guess what.... It really was 12 minutes. We were both looking at our watches went oh it's 12 minutes and not a second later does our little beeping thing goes off. way to go Outback:)
Yesterday was Hannah's 15th birthday. She has had try outs for High School Softball this week and the list of names of who made it just happens to have to be on her birthday. Ok wow what a major stress-er for her. So this is her account... The Murray Mom drops the kids off in the morning and I do the pick up. Anyways Leah (yes of course a Murray kid) and Hannah head to where the posting is going to be. They look at the list for Varsity and Junior Varsity. They are both Freshman and you would think that they would head to JV list, Nope they know better. Hannah said they were reading the list and Leah's name is there and she keeps going down the list until finally she sees her name. She told me that she was whispering to Leah. "really, really." They found her name. She said a weight was lifted. They high fived and went to class. So what a great Birthday for Hannah:) I bring her bat bag with me when I pick up the other kids. Hannah came to the car with her head up and a smile so big on her face. That was the first time I have seen so much confidence in a long time. She is not really enjoying High School and cannot wait for this year to end.
Now remember it is her 15th birthday. She can now get her learners permit:) We talked about it the night before and she was set to go get it. What a great Birthday present right! During the day she had texted me and and told me to bring her bat bag when I come to pick up her sister. I of course asked why. She is afraid of failing the test. We had a few more text then her lunch was over and I told her it was up to her. Yep she went to practice. When she got home from practice she grabbed her drivers book and started studying the thing again. At this point I am so worried that she is going to stress about this that she may have one of her anxiety seizures. I let her no she has 30 days from today to take the test. We have a law in North Carolina that you must get a letter from your school that states that you're in school and working towards graduating. The paper expires in 30 days. I tell her go to bed and we will face this tomorrow.
Today.... Thank goodness for rain. Her practice was cancelled and when I picked her up from school she said she was ready to go. Great! We hop on the interstate and are halfway to the DMV and she asks me if I grabbed the paper work we needed. I laugh and turn the car around, back to the house to get the paper work. Dang she knows her mom all to well. The DMV closes it doors at 4:30 and it is now 3:15 when we leave the house for the second time. Ugh at this point I tell her do not drive like mommy is driving!
We flew to the DMV and she got her number and we only wait for minutes. That seemed like that longest 5 minutes. Her hands are sweating. I am trying to lighten the mood and make her laugh. They call her number and we get Sheriff I hate my job and doesn't really want to be here. She can tell along with me. I am trying to be as kind as I can to make this fat desk DMV guy lighten up. Now for the eye test. She misses one sign but was close enough that I think he gave it to her. Then the eye test. She passed that with a little hesitation so now I am thinking that it's time for an eye exam. Now on to the test. I am sitting in these little desk like seats watching her go and take the test. I guess the computer tells you when you get a question wrong, becuase her face went from scared to I want to cry in a second. Ok now time for mom to go outside and have a cigarette.
Yes I am a smoker again. I come back in and wait were I am out of her sight. Then it happens she comes around to find me and whispers "I passed" At this point if I could do cartwheels in this waiting room I would.
Stay cool mom. Then time for her picture and we are ready to go. I get out the door and raise my hand to the sky and give a little shout. Then I give her the keys and tell her ok you're driving home. Can you believe that she was afraid to drive home. I drove until we were off the interstate and pullover over and TOLD her you are driving home form here. We made it. Her face was just glowing, and scared at the same time.
We get home and she has texted and called everyone. Then she ask "do you need to go anywhere, because I can drive." I reply, "Fine would like to drive to Leah's house and show her your permit?" You guessed it we were in the car and ready to go when I looked over at her and she could barely see over the steering wheel. I run back in the house and grab a throw pillow off the couch and she smiles and tells me.."wow mom this is so much better, on the way home I really couldn't see, I was just kind of guessing." I smile and think what the heck have I gotten myself into. Thank goodness for throw pillows:)
Tomorrow is Friday and it couldn't come any sooner. I have a special needs friend of Kaitlyn spending the night. Then I am babysitting for one of my clients little girl on Saturday and she is spending the night.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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