I know it has been forever. I am a smoker:( Each day I try to start again, I make until noon and then I am done.
High school ball has started and it is crazy at the Foster's home. Crazy but here in Charlotte we pay to play. Our school system has done such a great job with managing their money that they are now charging the parents a $100.00 fee for each sport played. I am so grateful that my child only plays one sport. On top of the $100.00 fee, we had to purchase a warm up suit, practice uniform which all came to $150.00. Then we had to sell coupon book at $20.00 each and we are responsible for 20. Right I have sold 0. Lets hope I don't have to write that check to cover the 20. Now we have 2 games that we have to cover dinner for the girls before games. There are 16 girls on the team so that is running the parents around $50.00. In short I thought that travel ball was expensive, it is nothing compared to the money I have dropped for High School ball.
Hannah has won her first (pitching) game last night and went 4 innings with 0 hits against the number 3 team in the state. She has played at third and pitching so far. Not every game is she a starter, but they end up always going to her in pitching or defense on third. All in all the team has lost 2 games and won 3. She is very tired trying to get her studies in with ball right after school. The second game they put her in to pitch she was never even warmed up. She is now wearing a compression sleeve on her pitching arm, due to tendinitis. She had pitching lesson on Saturday and her coach told her that if it does not get any better then she might have to quit school ball. Her point was that no one is going to see you at Hough High. She would rather save her arm for tournament ball. It has been a crazy week here.
Kaitlyn has to take the ACT test today. That is just another thing our school system is spending money on that is just a waste. I told her to guess B on the whole test. She came home today and said. "Mom there was a e,f,g. on the test too! Gotta love her. She has never seen a test with that many letters. On top off her having to take this test, the kids got out of school 2 hours early. I had to race through my house so that I could get to the school on time to pick them up.
Hannah is driving on her permit, and has been driving us everywhere. Kelsey turned 16 on the 1st, and now is the proud owner of a Ford Mustang. Yes to all my Detroit family she is driving a Ford:)
Hope everyone has a great rest of their week.
I am making cap stick covers for the girls on the team. I will post pictures in next post. These are super easy to make. Just take an Avery address label (large) and print of you logo and or picture. Peel off the chap stick label off and place yours right on top. They are great gifts and or promotional items for small business.
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