Good morning all. I am so very excited this morning:)
I am starting to down size my business. I have hit the big 40 and beyond, and my body is telling me it is time to do something different.
For those of you new to my blog, I have my own cleaning business. I have loved the families and the sense of helping others for 13 years now. I started this business with my oldest daughter who is autistic in mind. I thought that someday she would be helping me and maybe have her own clients. Reality had set in and this is not something she would enjoy doing, sue to her OCD's . Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed it along the way. I have watched my new families grow up and oh the little one's. I have cried when the started kinder-garden, an have watched many of their little league games. Yes I was the crazy lady cheering for the 4 year old picking clovers in the outfield waiting for that one ball hit to them. I sometimes think that I was wanting my 4 children to stay young, and when the weren't I had my fill with the kids who parents I clean for.
I have let two of my families go and I plan on shutting my business down by the end of my oldest Senior year. Yes I have a Senior, Junior and 2 sophomores. We have been so very blessed that my husbands income keeps getting better and better. The other day he tells me it's not that you have to work, but you have to work so I can keep you out of the shopping malls! That is true. I am one of those who spending and purchasing things give me a sense of gratification and it is only temporarily, so I fix that and go out shopping again. Really my husband will tell you that I am the one person that will come out of the dollar store with $50.00 worth of junk.
Today! I am so excited for today. I have the next two days off and today a friend is going to teach me how to cook. We are making several meals and freezing them so that I can just pop them in the oven for my family for dinner. My little one Hannah is excited too! This morning when leaving for school she told me to have fun and that she cannot wait to actually have food in the house that she will eat:)
I am so very blessed to have people in my life that are kind and caring. Karma is a biggy for me. You know the circle what comes around goes around. My very dear friend Jackie and I have made that our motto. A knew one that we are taking on is surrounding ourselves with positive people. Wow what a difference that has made. We laugh and look at each other and Wonder why we let negative in. I guess the old saying is true that misery needs company and we want no part of it.
I am off to learn how to cook! Have a blessed day everyone.
"no one who truly wants to know Christ and opens up their heart to him will walk away empty-handed!!"
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