Wow where have the days gone? My mom always told me that time goes by faster as you get older and she was right!
I have not worked out all week. That cross fit work-out did me in. I would love to sit here and write about how great I have been doing with my work-out, but I can't. I am the type of girl who keeps it real no matter how it makes me look. Dang how I wish I was working out everyday and getting fit. I want to be that trophy wife. Ugh Is there a pill I can take to get there.
This weekend flew by. I ordered pizza's for Kaitlyn and I Friday night. Hubby was at a softball coaches clinic and was eating out with the other coaches. Hannah was at her dad's for the weekend. Kaitlyn and I had a pizza party UNTIL. No lie, 15 minutes after eating a spinach Alfredo pizza I had it coming out both ends. The party was over. Husband had text me to see how we were doing and I textded him back DIEING. I let him in on the pizza in between trips to the bathroom. My Kaitlyn was taking care of her mommy until I puked in the trash can, because I couldn't make it to the bathroom. I think her exact words were..:I'm out of here." Husband made it home and was headed straight for the pizza. I told do not eat the white one and please take to the trash outside. He saw the condition I was in and did not argue one bit!. I am now on the couch and he fixes himself a salad, the smell of it made me puke again. At that point he told me that it might be a good idea that I sleep in our sons room, he had to get up early to be back at the clinic in the morning. There I lay dying!!! Softball and my kids ability to deal with puke leaves it up to me.
Now that leads to me with a question. Why is that when the mom of the family gets sick she is on her own, but when the kids and hubby gets sick she becomes a MD??? I made it through the night in Taylor's room.
The next day I force myself to get up take a shower after 2 naps lasting an hour each. Poor Kaitlyn was just waiting on mommy to get better so we can do something. I hop in the shower and off to wally world I got. Then to trusty McD's to make it better for her. I found some great deals at wally world. Got hubby and kids their valentines gifts. Oh yeah I picked one up for me, for the hubby to give me. That's how it works at the Foster's house. I pretty much buy my own gifts and set them a side for them to give me when the time is right. I bought at mew Cricut cartridge :) They had the light one's on sale for 20.00. Oh how I wanted to load up, but this year I am really looking at my wants versus my needs.
I made chili YUM! Yes I could smell food again, darn it. I was hoping that would last longer then it did.
When hubby got home we popped popcorn and turned all the lights off and watched over the hedge. Cute movie. I of course stayed up to watch SNL. Darn it a repeat.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday
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