Woo Hoo!
Finals are finally over.
Today the girls didn't have to go to school. All of their teachers told them that it was a make up or if you have to many absents you have to come. The girls stayed home. Of course I get a call from the school to send in a note to excuse them from school. Really, tomorrow is the same thing.
Monday they are to make up a day. There was a power outage and they had to cancel school. Now on Monday the hours are 7:15-10:15. They want me to send my kids to school for 3 hours to make up for a whole day missed. I work and cannot provide transportation for them home. Now the girls will have a 5 day weekend. Dang we should have planned a mini vacation.
Today the girls and I had a great time. We had a list of things that I needed to get done. We stopped by IKEA. Hannah had decorated her bedroom 3 times while walking through the massive store.
Hubby was really grouchy this morning. I left for work as soon as I could. Then while I was out and about I get a text from him, telling me he was sorry for how nasty he was this morning. Awesome! When youe husband is humble enough to apologize for his action it is a good day.
I am no longer sore :) I really would like to start CrossFit, but wow the price is really high. I think I may ask for something towards my membership for Valentines day.
Today I had an order for 20 of my mailboxes on my Etsy store. The girls and I were out when I got the email. When we got home I knew what my evening was going to look like. They are ready to ship and will be off tomorrow.
This evening I made my first video tutorial. I hope to upload it tomorrow night. I think I had to turn the video recorder off 100 times. There was one point that I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. How crazy is that. I finally got myself together and finished it. I hope to share it with you tomorrow.
I joined quit now. This is an online help program for people that want to quit smoking, I even get a months worth of my patches, just for joining.
Going to be rainy this weekend, so maybe I could get my house cleaned.
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